Monday, February 28, 2005


Below is the MOB Roll...


Stories about situations that put World War III as real possibility. Israel vs the anti-Semites; Iran vs US; Pakistan vs get the idea.

8/22/06 Iran opens fire on Romainan oil rig
8/21/06 22 August 2006
8/11/06 The battleground is here
8/10/06 UK thwarts mass murder plot
8/8/06 Missing foreign students and WWIII
8/7/06 Worldwide News Sources...not a good source
7/20/06 Updating the WW III sides
7/18/06 Whose on which side Updated
7/17/06 They won't stop but a few get it
7/14/06 WW III watch
7/14/06 May as well know whose on which side
7/14/06 Whose side to take in WWIII
7/13/06 Archduke Gilad Shalit


Wendy's Finger In The Chili Story
This topic is mostly over with, but I still have an icon for it. When there are enough topics to retire to an archive this will go there.

1/18/06 Finger biter goes to prison
4/22/05 Woman in Wendy's Finger Case Arrested - Yahoo! News
4/13/05 Woman Won't Sue Wendy's for Alleged Finger
4/10/05 Finger finder has history of playing litigation lottery
4/8/05 Home of Woman in Finger Claim Searched


This is for the stories about Terri Schiavo.

9/11/06 Awareness found in Vegatative Patients
8/3/05 Brain dead delivers baby
5/25/2005 Terri's husband cashes in same day she dies
5/4/2005 Brain patient speaks again
4/12/2005 St. Cloud Times gets Schiavo case wrong
4/8/2005 See, I told you the slippery slope would continue
4/5/2005 Schiavo Parents to Arrange Funeral Mass
4/4/2005 Observations Around Terri's Case
4/3/2005 Americans Not in Favor of Starving Terri Schiavo
3/31/2005 Brain-Damaged Child's Family Mulls Life And Death
3/31/2005 The more I hear of him the less I like him
3/31/2005 Rest In Peace
3/25/2005 Letter from a soldier to Terri
3/25/2005 Greer Just wants her dead
3/24/2005 Mayo Clinic Neurologist says Terri's no vegetable
3/24/2005 Greer the Judge of Death?
3/23/2005 Next time we hear about the children starving to death
3/23/2005 Terri is No Different than My Child :: Testimonials :: BlogsforTerri
3/23/2005 My theory on Michael Schiavo
3/23/2005 Not all Pull-the-Tubers are Nazi-In-Training
3/23/2005 I have been calling them Nazis
3/22/2005 Strib's editorial board gets facts wrong
3/22/2005 She was improving until her husband had his way
3/22/2005 Right-to-die advocate nails Schiavo's national implication
3/22/2005 Michael Schiavo is a monster
3/21/2005 Mercy Killing of Newborns Being Advocated
3/20/2005 Terri Schiavo - Never Properly Diagnosed
3/19/2005 The Innocent May Live?
3/17/2005 This is Not Right-to-Die
3/17/2005 Abortion done 'in good faith'
3/16/2005 One more reason to detest the U of MN Faculty


Theories and postulations
Theories that I am working on or speculations about various things in the world or universe will be here. This may also include discussions about other people's theories.

Silence Is Support
When 9/11 happened we thought that the only threats were the "extremist" Muslims from the Middle East. We thought that the "extremist" terrorists were infiltrating the West in order to attack it.

We never gave a second thought to the fact that Muslims clerics (leaders at different levels within the religion) never condemned the terrorists. We never thought about the excuses and rationalizing that Muslims did to avoid condemning the terrorists.

But we thought we could trust the quiet Muslim sitting next to us on the bus. We never imagined the Muslim that was teaching our kids could be a part of the enemy.

After 7/7/05 we learned that everything we believed was wrong. The Silent Muslims are silent because they deep down do not have a problem with the "extremists". The Islamic Nations' leaders continue telling us (through the United Nations) that the terrorists are not "extremists" but mainstream.

Silence Is Support. If the Silent Muslims do not support the terrorists they need to speak up and take action that rids their religion of the terrorists. Until that time there are two facts that exist. One, the terrorists are defining to the rest of the world what the Muslim religion is about. So long as the clerics and other leaders concur and so long as the rest of the members do or say nothing explicitly otherwise the other fact will exist: Silence Is Support.


TradeSports is a website where you can invest in futures. From sports to financial markets to current events there is the ability to invest in what you think will happen.

For the purpose of this blog TradeSports OTHER function is what will be featured. That other function is its predictive and advance knowledge function.

10/14/06 Pawlenty vs Hatch update
10/09/06 Political Update from the investors
10/09/06 MLB League Championships 2006
10/02/06 MLB Playoff 2006
9/27/06 MLB Playoff update
9/25/06 From bad to worse
9/22/06 Coming Down the Home Stretch
9/15/06 Movement on TradeSports
9/12/06 TradeSports Quick Primary Day Update
9/05/06 Trade Sports update on November 2006
8/14/06 Pennant winner predictions
8/9/06 TradeSports predictions and what Lieberman means to the GOP
8/8/06 Update on political investing
7/18/06 Downward ticking for GOP
6/14/06 Investors opinions on Kennedy and Pawlenty
4/6/06 TradeSports Senate election predictions
4/5/06 2006 TradeSports election predictions
4/5/06 Already a World Series prediction
3/5/06 Oscars predictions from TradeSports
2/3/06 Super Bowl XL
1/23/06 Canadian Control of Parliament
1/20/06 NFL Conference Championships
1/6/06 TradeSports new Drive Calculator
1/3/06 Wild Card Week
12/15/05 Academy Awards
12/8/05 College Bowls 2005
11/21/05 TradeSports Update
11/7/05 Trade Sports Alito contracts
11/6/05 TradeSports
10/27/05 Miers withdrawal was predicted on Friday

Scoreboard Positions

These are the positions that are compared in the platforms of candidates. These are not the rationalizations for my positions, only a brief description of what kind of a position will garner a +5.

Only a consumption tax is the ultimate goal. Cutting taxes permanently.

Cutting government spending is always the ultimate goal. Line-item veto is not a solution...only a way of striking selective "pork". Balanced budget amendment is unacceptable.

Only the military and very selected programs (if any) should be controlled or administered at the federal level. ANY reliance on the federal government for state, county or city items is unacceptable. All regulation should be at the state level or smaller.

Family Values
Any candidate that invokes "Family Values" without defining them is ONLY politicizing the term. Moral issues are typically under this term and should NOT be regulated at any level higher than the state if at all.

I think this issue should be settled at the state level. Overturning any and all laws that federalize this (or any social) issue is the goal.

All illegal immigrants should be deported when discovered. Businesses and people hiring illegal immigrants should be fined heavily. Fences should be built on all borders. Amnesty (in any name) is unacceptable.

Legal immigrantion, as a process should be simplified, but security checks more stringent. Quotas should be more diversely determined instead of South and Central America-heavy.

We should take the time needed to make certain the new democracy is able to defend itself. We need to understand that deomcracies take time and countries take decades to rebuild. Doing an incomplete job is dangerous and timetables are irresponsible and unacceptable. Task tables are fine...goals that must be met before withdrawal.

Using all tools needed outside of the borders to prevent terrorism. Balancing citizen's rights against citizen security must be maintained. Enemy combatants are not covered by Geneva Conventions; not subject to American civil rights.

Strong military. One of the few federal progams that are needed. Missile Defense is a priority.

School Districts should determine curriculum. States should have graduation standards on reading, writing, arithmatics and American history. They (or the federal government) should NOT have any other funding requirments or have any funds to education in any manner. Exceptions can be made for special education.

English as a Second Language classes, bilingual education are not acceptable. Social promotion must be ended. Problem children should be expelled. Parent involvement in some manner ought to be required. Parents being held accountable for children behavioral issues is desired.

Roads, roads and roads. Spending on roads should be above all other transportation always. Commuter rail should not be pursued/continued. Gas taxes should be ended. Ethanol requirements are unacceptable.

Refineries must be allowed to be built. ANWR must be drilled. Off-shore drilling must allowed. Subsidies for all energy must be ended. Nuclear energy must expanded.

Same Day registration must be ended. Government issue ID should be required to vote. Executive in charge of voting should be non-partisan.

Health Care
Government, keep your hands out. The best system is private, without any tax credits or taxation, that is portable like auto insurance.

Government Size and Scope
Beware of Smaller-Than-Government types. They expand government, just not as fast other people. This is worse than bigger government types as they claim they are small government but actually are "big, just not super big yet" types. A lot of federal involvement is big government or bigger government. Cutting (not in the 'cut the rate of growth' sense but in a shrink, decrease and lessening sense) is the only way to gain points in this category.



Schools, Colleges, Universities and Education
Any story related to education or schools (K-12, home schooling, higher ed, etc) will be here. This includes school boards and administration as well as budgets and referendi.

9/20/06 Gas prices and conspiracies
8/31/06 School's 'No Drug Policy' is Void While Making Fun of President Bush
6/14/06 College women sign petition to end women's suffrage
5/18/06 Sex Survey in School
5/10/06 California's not all lost
5/3/06 Free racist speech
5/2/06 Dreyfuss right on the mark
4/20/06 Continual failure of educators
4/5/06 School bans American Flag
3/31/06 Immigration Reform and educators failures
3/5/06 Jay Bennish
1/20/06 Higher Ed failing highly
1/13/06 More Ohio school education
12/22/05 Intelligent Design in the classroom
11/22/05 If this were a guy...
10/3/05 Public Schools Successes in CA
9/1/05 Graphic elementary school sex ed
8/30/05 Teacher's Union: the drag on education
8/12/05 Gerry Rinehart--stupid or malicious
8/9/05 HI school not allowed to discriminate by race
7/22/05 Ebonics to be a foreign language in CA
7/21/05 AFSCME sues University
7/6/05 The books handed to kids by gays
6/15/05 TV show depicts 9/11 as Bush plot
6/10/05 General College will close
6/10/05 ROTC gone, but not.
5/24/05 General College should go
5/5/05 You can love your vagina, but not your penis
4/25/05 I Was Just On Glenn Beck About Winona
4/24/05 Responding to Letters
4/21/05 Minnesota Killer was a Pothead
4/21/05 Winona liberals think vulgarity in schools is free speech
4/20/05 Is this the proper role of a labor union?
4/13/05 State of education? Sex assualt coverup
4/11/05 Poster sparks dispute at WMU
4/3/05 If They Don't Like Red On Their Paper They Should Do Better Work
4/3/05 Academia Abusing Academic Freedom
3/30/05 Moral Indignation aside...
3/22/05 Red Wing school shooting
3/16/05 One more reason to detest the U of MN Faculty
3/15/05 Harvard Leader Loses No-Confidence Vote

Social Security

Social Security
Social Security, its reform and also retirement matters will be in this category

5/3/05 The Heritage Foundation - Personal Retirement Account Calculator
4/24/05 Responding to Letters

********** HEADLINES **********


These are posts that affected the Candidate Scoreboard. Candidate Scoreboard has undergone an overhaul. The new system is described at the bottom of this page.

These posts were written under the original system. Posts with boldface are affecting the scoreboard under the new system

5/13/06 Still a good idea even as a political stunt
4/27/06 Vote them out
4/10/06 Scoreboard bias updated
4/10/06 Kennedy personally invited acts annoyed
4/8/06 Bachmann the Coward
3/31/06 Immigration Reform and educators failures
3/30/06 Bachmann--her career at the cost of her party
3/30/06 Lourey engages in personal destruction
3/28/06 Bachmann's mentality--just another politician
3/19/06 6th CD Update--Bachmann and Knoblach
3/9/06 Pawlenty's State of the State
2/28/06 Hutchinson give Pawlenty advice
2/25/06 Good politicians gone bad
2/22/06 How to stop a government shut down
2/21/06 Coronations of candidates
1/31/06 Ethical decision making means blame goes elsewhere
1/28/06 Kiffmeyer's Platform (Sec of State)
1/25/06 Mary Kiffmeyer (Secretary of State)
1/22/06 Mark Ritchie (Secretary of State)
1/22/06 Christian Sande (Secretary of State)
1/22/06 Bruce Kennedy (Secretary of State)
1/20/06 Kelly Doran's platform analysis
1/20/06 Becky Lourey's platform
1/19/06 Sue Jeffers to enter Governor's race
1/19/06 Time to review Steve Kelley's website positions
1/17/06 Pawlenty the fiscal liberal
1/17/06 Features of the blog--The Election Scoreboard
1/6/06 Bachmann's campaign newsletter
11/29/05 Additions to the Candidate Scoreboard
11/29/05 No shame from Rowley's campaign
11/29/05 Rowley tries to mislead public
11/21/05 New Scorecard
11/19/05 6th CD Forum Scorecard
11/19/05 Kennedy in a tough spot?

When I first started this I did not realize how subjective the system was. I have been thinking about how to make this as objective as possible (which in rating politicians' positions is a difficult process).

There are core positions which I will rate upon. The positions can be found on the Scoreboard Positions page. They are rated from +5 to -5. On those positions the range is basically from the best (my utopian position) to the complete opposite.

There are also subjective criteria such as character. These will range base on severity. Broken campaign promises are a big detractor. Ethical issues are also very big. Holding to a campaign position at risk to one's career gains big. In the campaign there are many disingenuous campaign ploys which will also be deducted here.

I wish I could watch every vote but I cannot. So when I hear/read of a vote that applies to one of my positions I will rate accordingly.

You might have noticed a built in disadvantage to an incumbent. That is intentional as I believe that all things being equal a challenger is the better selection in an election...truer to a citizen legislature.

********** UPDATE ********** 8/8/06
I realized that I had to find some way of dealing with candidates that have nothing relating to some of my platforms. Any suggestions are welcomed. What I have decided to do is take the average score from answered planks and apply those to the unanswered. I don't like it, but it is the best way I can think of to handle the unfilled blanks. Otherwise candidates who say very little about their positions (or very little on topics I care about) would have a huge advantage over candidates with a lot of explanation of their positions.


Religion and beliefs.
If a posting deals with a religion it should be listed here

9/19/06 Some suggestions please
8/3/06 When is a religion actually a religion
6/14/06 Scientology sponsoring NASCAR
5/18/06 Robertson predicts storms
4/14/06 Easter
3/20/06 Apology to Isaac Hayes
3/17/06 South Park under fire from Scientologists
2/4/06 Religious Outrage
1/5/06 Evil from the Axis
12/22/05 Intelligent Design in the classroom
12/13/05 War on Christmas
11/30/05 More anti-religion
11/15/05 Damn Atheist
9/14/05 Prayer in school allowed for some
9/7/05 What denomination am I
8/26/05 Robertson is a Church & State issue?
7/18/05 Americana and God under attack again
5/1/05 Everyone loves a good Conspiracy Theory
5/1/05 Defrocked lesbian minister wins appeal
4/25/05 Vegetarian Antichrist is Walking Among Us
4/19/05 Pope Selected
4/1/05 The Days To Come In The Vatican
3/30/05 Pope Needs Feeding Tube


Postings that deal with Republicans should be here. An exception are postings dealing with Minnesota Republicans or College Republicans. Those groups have their own listings.

10/14/06 Pawlenty vs Hatch update
10/09/06 Political Update from the investors
9/27/06 St Paul to host GOP convention in 2008
9/27/06 Skip the 6th
9/26/06 Cheep Political Stunt of the Day
9/25/06 From bad to worse
9/25/06 What is she hiding
9/20/06 Dishonest campaigning
9/18/06 McCain blowing hot air may work
9/15/06 Movement on TradeSports
9/14/06 Conspiracy theory not plausible
9/12/06 TradeSports Quick Primary Day Update
9/08/06 Klobuchar and crime with honesty
9/05/06 Trade Sports update on November 2006
9/05/06 The Work of the People Not to get Done
8/30/06 Pawlenty's quote
8/25/06 Shut Up Kessler
8/22/06 The CPA and the Prosecutor
8/16/06 Dems, terror, immigration
8/14/06 Kennedy endorses Lieberman--the real reason why
8/9/06 TradeSports predictions and what Lieberman means to the GOP
8/8/06 Bachmann calling the kettle a no-show
8/8/06 Missing foreign students and WWIII
8/8/06 Update on political investing
7/25/06 Kennedy's TV ad
7/18/06 Downward ticking for GOP
7/15/06 A quote about parties and the country
7/14/06 Most Americans Plan to vote D
7/11/06 Bad analogy works so well...and don't insult me like that
7/11/06 The broken partisan mentality...ode to Andy
7/10/06 A few election premises destroyed
6/8/06 T-Ball game at the GOP, not baseball
6/6/06 Wanted: Unwitting flock to lead
6/1/06 We're bad but they are worse
5/22/06 Tea leaves from New Orleans
5/13/06 Still a good idea even as a political stunt
5/11/06 Having power causes you to lose power
5/9/06 I Am What I Am, I Believe What I Believe
5/8/06 More on the 6th
5/6/06 Michele Bachmann wins 6th GOP endorsement
5/5/06 I can only say I told you so
4/10/06 As of April 10, 2006...
4/6/06 TradeSports Senate election predictions
2/27/06 Endorsement in the 6th
2/25/06 Good politicians gone bad
2/23/06 John Uldrich for US Senate?
2/9/06 Angry Democrats trying to spin away the image
2/1/06 State of the Union Address Sucks
12/31/05 Why do I hate party politics
11/28/05 Specter wants investigation to save Owens
11/21/05 Pod cast of 6th Forum available.
11/19/05 Kennedy in a tough spot?
11/15/05 Why are they Republicans
11/12/05 Andy, I'm Sorry
11/1/05 What the GOP elite missed
10/31/05 One last tidbit about Miers and the elitists in the GOP
9/28/05 Pelosi turns back pork...unlike GOP
9/15/05 Lynn Swann for Gov
8/30/05 Yecke dropping from the race
7/25/05 Wilson-Plame-Novak-Rove Blame Game
7/15/05 Rove or Kerry...who outed whom
6/30/05 Rep McHenry helped fix elections
5/24/05 Filibuster May Have Been Good?
5/23/05 Moderate GOP Senators slice the GOP hamstring
5/5/05 Tim Pawlenty for President?
5/2/05 GOP and Dems don't want voter preferred primary
4/30/05 6th District Convention
3/16/05 Senate Allows ANWR Drilling 51-49

********** HEADLINES **********

Race Relations

Race Relations
Affirmative Action, Hate-Crimes stuff, and almost anything else that deals with race should end up here.

8/25/06 Lynch having baby...update on the other girl
8/20/06 Race Relations--"The problem is us"
5/15/06 White race reawakening by AG
4/4/06 McKinney to be arrested?
1/17/06 Racist, racist, who's a racist
12/16/05 Morgan Freeman and I agree...end of the world is near
12/12/05 Prior to deifying Pryor consider this
10/20/05 GA not allowed to verify identity of voters at the polls
8/24/05 Seminoles can keep their name
8/24/05 Milton Bradley a bit confused
8/12/05 NCAA is pandering to white guilt
8/9/05 HI school not allowed to discriminate by race
7/27/05 I'm going to say what Jackson would say
7/22/05 Ebonics to be a foreign language in CA
7/8/05 Milwaukee leaders understand race relations
6/19/05 Senator Robert KKK Byrd
4/6/05 The ramifications of affirmative action

Race to the Right

Articles that I am considering for the radio show. In some cases this will be an archive of items that came up on the show.

We air from 1PM-3PM Central on Sundays. You can listen to the live webcast here.

Show Recap (what we did talk about)
8/6/06 Podcast available here (free registration required)
7/30/06 Podcast available here (free registration required)
7/23/06 Podcast available here (free registration required)

Show Prep (sources for what we may talk about)

9/08/06 Vince Flynn and Trans-Siberian Orchestra
8/1/06 Website and podcast changes
7/28/06 Race to the Right Forum Opens
5/3/06 This Sunday's Show
4/26/06 Fair and Biased
4/4/06 Race to the Right changes coming
2/25/06 Good politicians gone bad
2/22/06 Another debate set up
2/19/06 JP's Grille and Bar Event
2/13/06 Show recap and the Olympics
2/7/06 Guests, events and debates
1/28/06 Dayton may be on show, Alito, Unitary Executive
12/18/05 You can share your Christmas memories
12/5/05 Yesterday's show
11/15/05 Solo Hour equals big topic
10/24/05 Two weeks and two interviews
9/25/05 Today's Show
9/19/05 Radio Show Podcasts
9/11/05 9/11 remembered on Race to the Right
8/19/05 This Week's Interview
8/3/05 Dr. Cheri Yecke
7/27/05 Endorsement from Mitch Berg


Personal Items
This was going to only be for updates with the radio show. It has become an umbrella for items relating to me personally. Way it goes. Don't worry, I'm not turning this into a daily personal diary.

10/02/06 Got my ticket
9/19/06 Some suggestions please
9/14/06 Book Review: Act of Treason
9/13/06 Bracing for a new wave of threats
9/12/06 I'm behind on it
9/08/06 American Idol audition
8/29/06 Blog personnel update
8/19/06 The Return and the explanation
8/8/06 70,000 hits
8/7/06 Baseball League is rolling again (BLBL Related)
8/2/06 Stylistic changes may be coming here
7/17/06 Webhosting Search
7/13/06 Effort on the Pity Train
7/11/06 The broken partisan mentality...ode to Andy
7/5/06 Guest hosting morning show
6/29/06 Exhausting Week and home is dissolving
6/6/06 BLBL Update (BLBL Related)
5/26/06 I am on Media Matters...kind of
5/23/06 60,000 hits
5/11/06 Enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend
5/9/06 I Am What I Am, I Believe What I Believe
5/3/06 1,000th post
5/1/06 ARUC podcasts are up
4/25/06 A New Feature of this Blog
4/24/06 Podcast for the blog
4/17/06 What would your tip be?
4/10/06 50,000 hits and counting
4/4/06 Twins Weekly Podcast Coming
4/4/06 BLBL Update BLBL Related
3/31/06 Any idea what this is?
3/14/06 Blog Day--Some understanding
3/8/06 Which Sci-Fi crew would you fit in with?
3/8/06 Are you a Talent?
3/1/06 Week 1 of baseball simulation is complete BLBL Related
2/28/06 Baseball League Opening Day BLBL Related
2/19/06 A new plank to my platform
2/17/06 Simulation league blog is up BLBL Related
2/15/06 40,000 hits
2/14/06 Simulation League starting date announced BLBL Related
2/10/06 February...and it is time to think about baseball BLBL Related
1/26/06 You can hear me on Glenn Beck
1/23/06 Archive overhaul
1/17/06 Features of the blog--The Election Scoreboard
1/17/06 Features of this blog--Cabinet positions
1/13/06 Just a quick hello
1/11/06 Countries and states...what is the latest news
1/10/06 Features of the blog--what are all of those pictures
1/8/06 Today's Show
12/24/05 Merry Christmas
12/21/05 30,000 hits
11/12/05 Andy, I'm Sorry
10/14/05 20,000 hits
10/11/05 New Contributor to ARUC
10/6/05 10,000 visitor to this blog
9/30/05 Light blogging
9/9/05 Blog Roll updated
9/7/05 What denomination am I
9/6/05 Nation News Feeds completed
8/31/05 Graduation Year Songs
8/30/05 Underacheivers 2005
8/12/05 Blog Upgrade
8/3/05 Coming Improvements
7/27/05 Mitch Berg & NARN promote Race to the Right
7/27/05 Gerry Daly Did It
7/11/05 10,000 hits
7/7/05 Need Help
6/28/05 Guests for our first month on the air
6/24/05 Your theological worldview
6/23/05 Quick and Dirty IQ Test
6/22/05 What kind of blogger Am I?
6/22/05 Some sort of book thing
6/17/05 What Planet Are You
6/17/05 Radio Show is a Go
6/12/05 I want to be like Who?
6/10/05 5000 hits
6/9/05 Blog Archives Are Done
6/7/05 Blog Change Progress
6/2/05 Blog Changes
5/24/05 Animal Personality Quiz
5/12/05 Bad Shopping Experience
5/1/05 Thank you to...
4/25/05 I Was Just On Glenn Beck About Winona
4/18/05 What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
Ongoing: My Own Platform

Media Bias

Media Bias, double standards and hypocrisy
Here we have the list of ariticles which demonstrate or hint at the existing media bias. I have begun to include evidence of Main Stream Media (MSM) incompetence on this list.

10/07/06 New York Times: Arguement for Treason
9/08/06 Path To 9/11 Receives Un-Due Criticism
8/31/06 The Star Fib: Unable to Call a Duck a Duck
8/25/06 Lynch having baby...update on the other girl
8/25/06 Shut Up Kessler
8/7/06 Worldwide News Sources...not a good source
6/22/06 Have you witnessed climate change? How?
6/22/06 When news is news
6/11/06 Seeing bias where it might not be
5/22/06 Sounds like corruption is a bi-partisan thing
5/11/06 Having power causes you to lose power
5/2/06 Dreyfuss right on the mark
2/16/06 Media suck I hope they wither away
1/31/06 Shut up about these reporters
1/6/06 CNN does their own damage control
1/5/06 West Virginia Miners
12/18/05 Correction on Frist
12/17/05 Patriot Act and America to be defeated by Democrats
12/10/05 The irony of Tookie's celebrity status
12/10/05 Tookie's best message would be his execution
12/10/05 The Celebrities who support cold-blooded killers
12/10/05 Tookie's history
12/8/05 It took less than 24 hours
12/1/05 Goodnight Reality
11/23/05 Just so there is no doubt
11/21/05 Pod cast of 6th Forum available.
11/15/05 Person of the Year another terrorist?
10/25/05 Brazil rejects gun control
10/5/05 Islam and more terrorist links
9/26/05 Cindy going where she belongs
8/18/05 Moron Mommy does not speak for all
8/12/05 Wakky Moron Mommy Update
8/8/05 Oil For Food Scandal Update
8/4/05 Take Back The Memorial
7/15/05 New York Times altering quotes
7/8/05 Unemployment Down
6/24/05 MSM shows bad of Israel never the good
6/23/05 Cop Killed By Food Protesters
6/15/05 TV show depicts 9/11 as Bush plot
6/14/05 Wholesale index down, consumer spending down
6/2/05 Ancillary thought about Deep Throat
5/25/05 Strib's Take On the Filibuster Deal: Ultra-Liberal
5/25/05 Update on Kleis' record
5/25/05 Newsweek...seditious?
5/23/05 St Cloud Times prints factless letter
5/17/05 The Newsweek Fiasco
5/15/05 Newsweek sorry for starting riot that kills people
5/12/05 More info about Conservatives on PBS
5/11/05 Conservatives on PBS may be illegal
5/5/05 AIDS funds refused over prostitution clause - May 4, 2005
4/28/05 Gun Rights Realized?
4/24/05 Strib does not tell full story on Fortas
4/21/05 Terrorists don't like being detained...and that is abusive
4/12/05 St. Cloud Times gets Schiavo case wrong
4/11/05 NYT fishing for editorial from anti-DeLay GOP
3/26/05 MSM and Dems try to kill free speech
3/22/05 Red Wing school shooting
3/22/05 Strib hates least right-wing ones
3/22/05 Strib's editorial board gets facts wrong
3/16/05 Media Was Harder On Bush...Duh

********** HEADLINES **********


Mailbox, Letters and other Feedback
Some letters to the Editor are simply too idiotic to not respond to. Some comments on this blog warrant public response. Those will be here.

10/04/06 Political Infestation
7/17/06 Quotidian
7/13/06 Effort on the Pity Train
7/13/06 Andy's cross...there is another side to the story
7/11/06 Bad analogy works so well...and don't insult me like that
7/11/06 The broken partisan mentality...ode to Andy
6/19/06 Seeing Bias Where it doesn't Exist--Part 2
6/13/06 Offense to Party over Principle
6/11/06 Seeing bias where it might not be
6/8/06 T-Ball game at the GOP, not baseball
5/9/06 I Am What I Am, I Believe What I Believe
5/8/06 More on the 6th
5/3/06 Close-minded GOPers assail open-minded people
5/1/06 Susan Sarandon Shutup
5/1/06 Residual Response
4/28/06 Correction of KvM Analysis
4/4/06 V for Vendetta responses
4/2/06 Responses to our Bachmann segment
3/11/06 Politics of silencing opposition
3/10/06 Kennedy's supporters freak out
2/13/06 Show recap and the Olympics
11/23/05 Marriage response
11/21/05 Pod cast of 6th Forum available.
11/8/05 Torture or not we cannot ban it
11/4/05 Ad hominem attacks
11/1/05 Something I forgot to ask Doug
11/1/05 Miers Opposition--Analysis of the Elitists
10/17/05 Response to Captain Bogs about Miers
9/6/05 More partisanship misinformation from the left
9/6/05 Could he be talking about me
8/26/05 Robertson is a Church & State issue?
8/19/05 The thought process of liberals
8/19/05 Moron Mommy, Rowley and lies
8/12/05 The looney left
8/12/05 Wakky Moron Mommy Update
7/2/05 Gitmo prisoners fighting...and should be beaten
6/10/05 Again with the 'do what we say' from the GOP
6/2/05 Strib Letters from yesterday
5/1/05 CR Supporters demand compliance or you can have no opinion
4/26/05 MN Lefty Liberal gets it wrong
4/24/05 Responding to Letters
4/14/05 Letters to the Editor--Strib Today
4/12/05 Sorry Everybody Dummies
4/12/05 Letter to the Editor Reply
4/2/05 Unmasking the truth
3/18/05 Liberal misses the point each time


Minnesota GOP
Items relating to Republicans in or of Minnesota should be referenced here.

9/13/06 Bracing for a new wave of threats
7/5/06 Kennedy needs to refine attack or be blindsided later
7/5/06 Pawlenty--the Candidate for Roads
6/19/06 Seeing Bias Where it doesn't Exist--Part 2
6/13/06 Offense to Party over Principle
6/6/06 A different account of the GOP convention
6/2/06 I was wrong...somewhat
6/1/06 The corronations become official
5/31/06 Westover must read
5/24/06 Tough road coming for MN GOP
5/3/06 Close-minded GOPers assail open-minded people
5/1/06 Residual Response
4/28/06 Correction of KvM Analysis
4/25/06 Bachmann's vulnerabilities
4/20/06 Why is Jay Esmay the guy to support?
4/17/06 It just keeps on coming
4/12/06 Ethics issue for Bachmann
4/10/06 GOP Primary rumor
4/10/06 As of April 10, 2006...
4/10/06 Kennedy personally invited acts annoyed
4/8/06 Bachmann the Coward
4/8/06 6th District sham
4/6/06 11th Commandment and its abuse
4/4/06 Candidate update
4/2/06 Responses to our Bachmann segment
3/30/06 Bachmann--her career at the cost of her party
3/28/06 Bachmann's mentality--just another politician
3/20/06 Quick update on the Bachmann hijinks
3/20/06 More Bachmann hijinks
3/19/06 6th CD Update--Bachmann and Knoblach
3/11/06 Politics of silencing opposition
3/10/06 Kennedy's supporters freak out
3/9/06 Pawlenty's State of the State
3/8/06 Caucus recap
2/27/06 Straw Poll and the GOP
2/22/06 Where do they stand on the stadium
2/22/06 Stadium deal very likely
2/21/06 Coronations of candidates
1/6/06 Bachmann's campaign newsletter
12/29/05 Pawlenty puffs chest for no good reason
12/28/05 St Cloud special election means...
12/22/05 Challenger to Pawlenty
12/12/05 Right wing challenge to Pawlenty rumored
11/23/05 Ochsner wins endorsement
11/13/05 Possible drop out of the 6th CD race
11/13/05 6th District Forum
11/12/05 6th District Forum Recap coming
11/10/05 Withdraw from the GOP?
11/9/05 Pawlenty should be abandoned now
11/9/05 Election Day Aftermath
11/1/05 Something I forgot to ask Doug
11/1/05 Miers Opposition--Analysis of the Elitists
10/2/05 This just in from Krinkie's campaign
9/10/05 Is this the GOP we want?
7/1/05 State Government shut down
6/16/05 I told you they wouldn't
6/16/05 KvM just refuses to get it
6/16/05 Some background on Hoplin and Company
6/15/05 Would Hoplin do a hard-hitting interview?
6/13/05 Deep Breath, but not really
6/12/05 For more about Eric The Crook Hoplin
6/12/05 The Aftermath
6/11/05 Mixed feeling for the GOP
6/11/05 You got feathers? Time to ruffle them
6/10/05 Again with the 'do what we say' from the GOP
6/10/05 Eibensteiner as GOP Chair Again
5/25/05 Update on Kleis' record
5/5/05 Tim Pawlenty for President?
4/30/05 6th District Convention
4/30/05 Conversation with Hoplin & Grasell