Religion and beliefs.
If a posting deals with a religion it should be listed here
9/19/06 Some suggestions please
8/3/06 When is a religion actually a religion
6/14/06 Scientology sponsoring NASCAR
5/18/06 Robertson predicts storms
4/14/06 Easter
3/20/06 Apology to Isaac Hayes
3/17/06 South Park under fire from Scientologists
2/4/06 Religious Outrage
1/5/06 Evil from the Axis
12/22/05 Intelligent Design in the classroom
12/13/05 War on Christmas
11/30/05 More anti-religion
11/15/05 Damn Atheist
9/14/05 Prayer in school allowed for some
9/7/05 What denomination am I
8/26/05 Robertson is a Church & State issue?
7/18/05 Americana and God under attack again
5/1/05 Everyone loves a good Conspiracy Theory
5/1/05 Defrocked lesbian minister wins appeal
4/25/05 Vegetarian Antichrist is Walking Among Us
4/19/05 Pope Selected
4/1/05 The Days To Come In The Vatican
3/30/05 Pope Needs Feeding Tube
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