Money Matters
Money Matters
Stories about finances, economics, investing, inflation, etc. will be listed here.
9/22/06 The Weather Outside is Frightful
9/20/06 Gas prices and conspiracies
9/15/06 Oil prices falling
9/03/06 Peter Hutchinson: Not Supporting America?
8/31/06 The Star Fib: Unable to Call a Duck a Duck
7/31/06 Big Oil Profits...Congress to blame for prices
6/30/06 Minimum Wage again
6/5/06 Transportation Constitutional Amendment
5/18/06 Identity theft's top states
1/23/06 Ford cutting jobs
1/6/06 Economy is good...I blame Bush
11/8/05 Kyoto will crush EU economies
8/30/05 Silver lining in Katrina
8/30/05 China buying more oil companies
8/24/05 Taxpayer's League 2005 Scorecard
8/19/05 Democrats want higher gas prices
8/5/05 Good Economic News Again
7/18/05 Economy brings out lies from the left
7/8/05 Unemployment Down
6/29/05 Eminent Domain Sucks
6/14/05 Wholesale index down, consumer spending down
5/19/05 Star Wars economic effects
4/12/05 Americans Say Taxes Too Complicated
4/11/05 Gas Prices And Presidential Polls
3/22/05 DFL Budget Games Begin
3/15/05 Investors Lean Right...Duh
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