Moview reviews will be here. Marty's reviews will be cross posted here as well. Things related to Hollywood (Oscars, etc.) or celebrities in general will also be categorized here.
9/08/06 Path To 9/11 Receives Un-Due Criticism
9/03/06 The Bush-Hater's Wet Dream
7/11/06 Pirates of the Caribbean ride refurbished
7/10/06 Pirates of the Caribbean ride refurbished
5/4/06 Han Shot First and it will be in DVD
4/13/06 Simpsons to hit the big screen
4/4/06 V for Vendetta responses
3/31/06 How to tell if a movie will be bad
3/21/06 V for Vendetta
3/5/06 Oscars predictions from TradeSports
3/3/06 Academy Awards Predictions
2/1/06 Hollywood is missing point
12/12/05 Chronicles of Narnia
11/23/05 Walk The Line Review
10/11/05 Blonde, James Blonde
5/9/05 Kingdom of Heaven Movie Review
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